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YBCA presents in association with BCF

50¢  Tabernacle



Community Partner – YBCA will be presenting a day of community classes featuring local BCF artists and visiting choreographer Kyle Abraham & Abraham.In.Motion 













SUN. FEB. 15 - QUEER CLUB EDITIONYBCA and the Black Choreographers Festival is proud to

spotlight various dance styles that have come alive in queer community spaces like house parties and

the club. These dances are all about community liberation and celebration. Get ready to werk!

*This is a safe space for queer and questioning youth.*


11 am | Mika Lemoine - Waackin

12 pm | Jocquese Whitfield | Vogue

1 pm   | Phylicia Stroud - Hip Hop Fusion

2 pm   | Corey Action - C-Style (Hip Hop Fusion)

3 pm   | Jeremy Neal of Kyle Abraham/Abraham.In.Motion - MASTER CLASS


          See you there!

The 50 Cent Tabernacle is a series of open, mixed-level dance classes with some of the Bay Area's foremost masters of the craft. For 50 cents, participants receive an all-day pass, which is good a whole day's worth of classes. Part interactive celebration, part community movement space, these workshops are hosted by the YBCA Young Artists at Work in collaboration with the YBCA Department of Performing Arts, and are open to everyone, with a focus on teens in the community. Come out and join the movement!


50 cents to dance all day!


Master Class

with Kyle Abraham & Abraham.In.Motion

co-hosted with community partner Dimensions Dance Theater


Saturday, February 21

 2 - 4pm

This intermediate level technique class is open to professional and pre-professional dancers, ages 14 and up.  A.I.M. will emphasize four specific core values: exploration, musicality, abandonment, and intuition. The opening warm-up sequence focuses on the fluidity of the spine, articulation, and core body strengthening and then builds up to challenging, creative and invigorating phrase work. Students experience a personalized postmodern movement vocabulary full of intricate gestures and fearless floor work. 


Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts

1428 Alice  @ 14 Street, Oakland 

$10  Adults/Youth 14+

Intermediate Level Class

Space is limited. Advance reservation is strongly recommended.  

Click here or call 866-553-5885 (BCF voicemail) to reserve space.  

Please provide your full name and contact number.

Please bring your payment to class at Malonga.



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